Crafting a Butterfly out of Toilet Paper Tubes

Looking for a fun craft to do with the kiddos? Try making some of these cute little butterflies made from empty toilet paper tubes. It's a fun way to repurpose those empty tubes and save the landfill. 

You need:
1. An empty toilet paper tube (One for each butterfly)

2. Scissors (to cut your tubes) 
3. Some little sticks from outside. (for the body/antennae 

4. Glue (a hot glue gun works Best) 
5. Paint or things to decorate the butterflies if you choose. 

Start by gathering your supplies. I find it easier to have everything available whenever crafting with the little ones. They love going outside and looking for things. While looking for little sticks for your butterflies, it's a great way to get rid of some energy! You don't need much, just little ones to make the body and antennas. Once you have your sticks I found it easier to assemble the body/antenna first using a hot glue gun and then assembling the toilet paper rings you cut.

Toilet paper tubes are in pretty much everyone's home unless you've gone tube free like I have by using Scott Naturals tube free toilet paper. Speaking of, did you realize that each year we throw away 17 billion toilet paper tubes?? That's enough to fill the Empire State Building, TWICE! Hearing that fact opened my eyes and now I use only tube free toilet paper, (made by Scott Products ONLY), in hopes of doing my part in saving our planet. Thanks Crowdtap for opening my eyes! Ever wonder how many toilet paper tubes your family contributes to that? You can take a quick quiz and find out here.
For each butterfly that you're making you need one empty toilet paper tube. I found it easier to cut the tube in half and then cut each half in half until you have four little rings. 

After you have cut the tubes give the ends a little pinch like so. 

You will then hot glue the toilet paper tube pieces to the sticks that you have made the little body and antenna out of. It can be a little tricky to do that's why I suggested a hot glue gun. 

After you have formed your butterfly, it's time for the fun part, decorating them! I just painted mine but you can use anything that you have around. 
Cute aren't they? Super easy and fun for the kids!! 


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