No Mo' Stinky Pits!

 I have had a LONG history with body odor and stinky/wet arm pits. Ever since puberty started kicking in during my Junior High School days I dealt with terrible odor and wetness. It didn't matter if I took a shower 3x daily AND applied deodorant at least 10x daily, I still had that odor/wetness.  For a few years I walked around with wet wipes and deodorant in my purse to freshen up during the day. I was picked on relentlessly and started avoiding being around other people because I was embarrassed. I have used Secret for most of my life trying different brands or variations with them all being the same at unsuccessfully protecting me. I'm in my 40s and STILL have deodorant in my purse and in my car for a fresh up throughout the day, I live in Florida and probably go through a stick of deodorant every week. 
Crowdtap and Secret sent me a sample of the Secret Clinical Strength to try out. I knew that I'd like it because Secret is my favorite brand, however, I honestly didn't think it would be any different from the others. I just so happened to be finished with my current Secret deodorant when my sample arrived so I decided to go ahead and use it. I had a big dental appointment that day and I remember making sure that I had extra deodorant in my purse because I'm a stressful sweater, meaning that junk just pours off of me just sitting in a stressful situation, especially the dentist, yikes! I was sitting at home that very night and it dawned on me that I didn't need a freshen up with my deodorant that day. I just thought it was because I was too busy to notice but after the second day I knew that it was the Secret Clinical Strength! Stress wetness? Not a problem! Stinky pits? Not a problem! Secret Clinical Strength is absolutely amazing! Why did I wait so long to try this stuff?! I have been using it for a few weeks and have not had a stinky pit or a sopping wet shirt since. I feel so alive and confident now. I don't feel like I have to avoid stressful situations or people anymore. 
Have you tried any Clinical Strength Deodorants? I highly recommend giving Secrets a try! 
Thank you Crowdtap and Secret


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