Get cheap gas!
So I recently started really paying attention to those rewards programs that a lot of businesses offer and I thought I would tell you about a little but big gem that I discovered. Its a fuel rewards program and its so easy to do just by doing something that we all do, SHOPPING! If you're signed up for the Fuel Rewards Network you can earn points to in turn get your gas for cheap. I took advantage of it and just a few days ago got my gas for 83¢ cheaper than what's offered at the pump. I literally filled up my little car for $25! How awesome is that?! Gas is insanely expensive these days and I don't see it getting any better so this program is a must in my opinion. I do a lot of driving and this is going to save me money. Interested? Click on the link below and when you sign up you can get 25¢ off when you do your first fill up! Then you can start earning points off of more gas when you use your Fuel Rewards card at participating vendors such as grocery stores like Winn Dixie or dining out at restaurants. It's totally FREE to join and you have nothing to lose... Except for your money if you don't join lol Any questions just ask in the comments section..If you are interested in signing up here is a link.
I absolutely LOVE getting awesome deals like this as a member of Influenster. Without them, I would have NEVER known about Fuel Rewards so a big THANK YOU to the Influenster team! I love entering the #contests they have too! If you are interested in joining that too, leave me a comment and I will get you in!!
I absolutely LOVE getting awesome deals like this as a member of Influenster. Without them, I would have NEVER known about Fuel Rewards so a big THANK YOU to the Influenster team! I love entering the #contests they have too! If you are interested in joining that too, leave me a comment and I will get you in!!
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