MAGNETIC screen door by IGotTech

Living in Florida we have no choice but to live with the many different types of BUGS from flies,  ants,  love bugs, to those pesky mosquitos. Its just a way of life here to put on insect repellent every single time we're going to be outside because if you don't  you'll get eaten alive within seconds. My favorite season here in Florida is definitely Fall because its finally cooled down enough to be able to go outside without practically dying from heat exhaustion and I LOVE the fresh air coming into my house. I have a garage that we hang out in a lot but once the sun starts to set whether it is summer or winter, we all have no choice but to go indoors because the mosquitos are still super hungry no matter what season it is. I got a neat little magnetic screen door and my whole crew was super excited to see if it would keep out the mosquitos so we could continue to enjoy the activities that we like to do without being eaten alive by mosquitoes. Installing the magnetic screen door was so simple that *I* was able to do it and that's saying a lot because I'm not too mechanically inclined when it comes to things that need installing or put together. It took me around 15-20mins from start to finish and when the guys came home from work that evening they were seriously surprised that I had done it and did it correctly! Yay me!  There's Youtube videos on IGotTechs Youtube channel to assist in the installation but I never needed it because the directions that came with it were pretty clear for me. The screen material itself is made from the highest quality mesh and the magnets that seal it closed are unbelievably strong so it really looks nice and sturdy all set up. The first evening that I installed it we were able to stay out in the garage enjoying the beautiful weather, each others company and without having one single bug much less a mosquito pester us. I have it installed on my side garage door and I can close the big garage door itself and we're pretty comfortable out there and the best part is that we are not being eaten alive! I am super satisfied with the Magnetic Screen Door. I don't know why I didn't try it before now.. It sure would have saved me from millions of bug bites! I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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